Monday, April 28, 2008

C.A.S.T. work in Guatemala

Yes-I has returned from GuateMaya (the home of the people of the corn), where his path appeared to him in a vision--to help to spread the Mayan message of unity consciousness in this time of global transition. He has spent 3 months involved in a Mayan spiritual community on Lago Atitlan, Guatemala studying with Mayan spiritual guides and filming a documentary of the traditional Mayan sacred fire ceremonies of the Mayan solar new year: 9 Noj (the year of wisdom), and the observance and celebration of Wayab, the 5-day-month between the Tzolkin and the Gregorian Calander (360 days to 365 days). After being immersed in the traditional spiritual culture of a Mayan spiritual community and working with several Mayan spirtual guides on a personal level, Yes-I is now back in the San Francisco, California working on making a documentary movie called La Unificacion de Sabiduria (The Unification of Wisdom).

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There is a strong movement throughout the lands of the Mayan people to spread this ancient wisdom of the ancestors amongst the non-Mayan people at this time. As Tata Pedro Cruz, the elder Mayan spiritual guide ("Tata"), through is efforts to spread the awareness of the ancient Mayas with the modern day Mayan culture, is leading an outreach of ancient Mayan cosmology and traditions with the mainstream of modern Guatemalan culture--primarily Catholic and Evangelical. As part of his life work, Tata Pedro openly shares his wisdom with foreigners and locals alike. And as such, he is open to the making of this movie documentary of the ancient Mayan wisdom in the modern day age. Tata Pedro has been named and internationally acclaimed as an Ambassador to Peace, dedicated to revitalize the awareness of the ancient wisdom and cosmo-vision of the Mayan people, he has recieved the internationally acclaimed title of Ambassador for Peace.

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In the month of February, from the 17th to the 23rd, CAST took part in the filming of the sacred fire ceremonies of WAYEB, and the festivities of the new Solar Year of the Mayan Calander. In the observance of the short 5-day-month of WAYEB before the new Solar year on the Mayan calander the Mayan spiritual guides spend time in reflection, often fasting, only eating fruit and drinking water for the duration of the 5-day month as an act of purification.

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CAST was there at the ceremonies to keep the fire burning for the 5 days of the ceremonies. Yes-I lead a close-knit group of workers in the care of the fire during these ceremonies, a group dedicated to keep the fire constantly burning so that the prayers and the pure intentions and were put into the fire would breathe alive in the ashes. And the spirits of the elemental forces of Mother Earth, those whom were invoked through ceremonial ritual, would remain present & sightful in the sacred fire.

The fire was hot with insight, I was honored to be its keeper.
As a result of the hard work and dedication of the Spirtual Guides at the ceremonies, CAST was able to document a wisdom tradition in a way that has never-before been seen. The Mayan elder spiritual guide--Tata Pedro Cruz, following the messages recieved in his dreams, is on a mission to spread the Mayan message, and lift high the spirit of the land from flame of the fire.