Saturday, November 18, 2006

Gandhi Peace Brigade joins the C.A.S.T.

"We are a society searching for our soul. Our children are lost and screaming out for help. They see our elected officials as being anything but role models. Why did George Washington admit to chopping down the cherry tree, they might ask? Was this the smart thing to do? C.A.S.T. puts us back on track. As Gandhi once said,"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." C.A.S.T. members are "holding their candles high in the wind" and being that change." Jes Richardson

Jes Richardson is a true CAST member, discovering the truth of national and local issues. Jes travels with his Gandhi puppet nation wide to increase awareness of those who need to embrace the truth of key problems that exsist in the U.S.

This photo was taken infront of Good Earth, in FairFax, Ca)

Jes, is our CAST hero of the month, a true peaceful warrior of truth. Thank you Jes, for your love of the game and insights that inspire us all.
(Jes will be joining us on Sunday the 26th. for our C.A.S.T event. Soooooooo... you can get your picture with Ghandi & Jes, and spread the word that "We must be the change we wish to see in the world"

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Amy talks about many truths

The C.A.S.T is Clear....

Amy Goodman

Saturday, November 11, 2006


(Click on the photo to enlarge it)
Come and join us on November 26 for an all day event at the San Anselmo Playhouse, in Marin County, CA.

The curtain opens at 11:00 sharp

This moviement is soul-work in motion, and your invited!

Music, dance, storytelling, Anchoring your dreams, and much much more.

How do you define your character in this social theater of life?

What role are you playing?

Are you ready to tell your truth?

Well.......... join us on this day, a day of true reflection...


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Check out our video of our CAST team!!!!!!!

Wacth our C.A.S.T Video

This video stars James O'Dea (The President of
Noetic Sciences) Joseph Jacques, Alpha Lo, Carmen Mauk, , Nick O'Rourke (video producer) Matthew Edwards, Bardet Wardell & Dog, talking about the idea of C:A.S.T

I think you'll enjoy it....

Omega, Omega, Omega, CAST At Omega.

Judith Thompson, and Omega group in a heart circle. *click on it to enlarge*

In Mid September our tribe traveled to Omega institute in New York and gave a five day work-shop entitled "Transformational Activism for Emerging Leaders. Lead by James O'Dea, The President of Noetic Sciences, Our team was a dynamic group of new paradigm
activist who combined deep spiritual practice, creativity, social and ecological awareness, and new science in an activist agenda that is both integral and innovative.

During the week we:

* Explored the connection between individual, social, and global tansformation.
* Share our own journeys
* Gain fresh insights into positive planetary change and clarified the nature of our own transformational work, and explored diverse practices to awaken body, mind, and soul.
*Our renaissance team weaved live music and art to heighten self expression and give even more depth the ongoing conversation. (Those who attended our workshop, we would love to hear from you, please tell us what you thought, and we'll post it..)
* Check out some photos of our team in action.

(Joseph Jacques & Matthew Edwards)