Friday, January 05, 2007

Arnold and Amy Mindell speak their truth!

Dear Joseph Jacques, producer of C.A.S.T.

Amy and I very much appreciate your present direction.
Wherever we go, whether we are alone on the Oregon Coast dreaming, running and doing research by ourselves, with a small class or with hundreds of people in the US or another country working in a large forum dealing with world conflicts--- we seek the truth.
For us, that word is something very special, and almost sacred. By truth we mean “deep democracy”, an encompassing feeling skill that embraces people and dreams. This term means approximately for us that each person must speak about who she is. By truth, we mean that each of us helps the other to notice and appreciate all kinds of signals. We know about, some of the messages we intend to send. But some of our messages and signals go without our awareness. We encourage one another to notice all signals and stand for them.

For example, the truth may be that one part of us is smiling, while a deep seriousness may be in the background. Both of these signals together, create the truth. And then, even if all voices, signals, and dreamlike messages have been expressed, there is something, we call the Dreaming, or with the Aboriginal Australians, the “Dreamtime”, which can not always be spoken about in words. The whole truth also needs the dreaming earth, the subtle feelings we have of being moved, our dreamlike sense of space, the songs that arise from the atmosphere.

All together, all levels, the so called consensually real level where we speak to one another about what is on our hearts and minds, the dreamland level, where we bring up hidden feelings, ideas and images, and the essence level, where we try to give form, sound and motion in art and music to the inexpressible aspects of reality belong to the truth. All these things and more, depending upon a given person’s and group’s culture, history, and orientation, create that magical truth!

So when we hear about folks like you trying to tell, dance, and sing the truth, we celebrate, we heartily welcome, we dance like kids, and move like elders.
May all winds be your/our friends.

Big Hug
from amy and arny mindell